IDEA STUDIO MMA* // Multimedia Marketing Agency™


Would you like feedback on your event or product?

Check out our new app designed for event or product evaluation and customer feedback !

  • Goal of thisapp is to facilitate and accelerate evaluation using our latest technology.
  • Advantage of the app is - innovation, flexibility, speed and simplicity of use -  to have your results in real time.
  • Instant and exact results, with detail analysis available at every moment.
  • Quick input - no pen, paper or calculation - Only touch - ideal for visitors, or participants to leave their feedback and participate in your event or product rating.

Application is designed for event  or product evaluation, individually adjusted for events or products enabling evaluation on personal computers, tablet computers and smart-phones. System is designed to allow event participants and visitors to leave their  feedback and rate events, performance or product itself. Application makes evaluation interesting for all event visitors or users  testing product by allowing personal rating and comparison with formal results. Permanent storage of data in central server allows authorized users detailed view of all relevant ratings at any time as well as being able to generate reports and detailed analysis of the results. 

If you are interested in our evaluation app call us on 01780 729 520 or e-mail:



